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Ghost Machine CEO, Neal Nellans will be speaking at the SXSW Gaming Panel ‘The Casual VR Scene‘


13th March at 14:30

Via :

The virtual reality (VR) calendar is packed with so many events all year round that it can be easy to forget some of the shows that the technology will be appearing at. The South By South West (SXSW) festival is one such event, despite having hosted a session with some of the key figureheads behind the Oculus Rift head-mounted display (HMD) for the past two years. Oculus VR is set to return to the event this year along with a huge number of other VR panels that will cover everything from VR videogames to movies and more from 13th – 22nd March 2015.

Oculus VR will return for its session that’s becoming something of a tradition for the festival. Oculus Rift creator Palmer Luckey, VP of Product Nate Mitchell and Hardware Engineer Ryan Brown will ‘Explore the Future of Virtual Reality with Oculus‘ at 17:30 CST on 13th March. While the trio will be giving a short talk on the state of Oculus VR and its future, it will once again open the floor to questions from attendees and Twitter. This will serve as a rare chance for many Oculus Rift and Gear VR fans to have their questions answered.

Elsewhere there’s no shortage of VR-related events, with the number of sessions beating out even the Game Developers Conference (GDC) which takes place earlier that month. Also hosted on 13th March at 14:30 is ‘The Casual VR Scene‘ with the likes of Ghost Machine and Owlchemy Labs attending. At 17:00 is ‘Suspension of Disbelief in Virtual Reality‘ with a host of big VR names such as Sixense CEO Amir Ruben, Virtuix CEO Jan Goetgeluk, NextGen Interactions’ Jason Jerald and Playful Corp. CEO Paul Bettner.

Oculus VR pops up again on 14th March with the ‘Trailblazers in VR Domain‘ session at 12:30. Head of Worldwide Studios Jason Rubin will be part of a panel looking at the future of the technology. Then at 15:30 ‘A Guide to Live Action 360 VR Filmmaking‘ takes place. There are also three panels starting at 17:00. One is ‘Cinema VFX & Immersive VR: Virtual Worlds Converge‘ another is labelled ‘The Future of Porn is 3D Virtual Reality‘ while the final one is named ‘A New Authenticity in a Holographic World‘.

Starting at 09:30 on 15th March is ‘Storytelling with the New Screens‘ 11:00 there’s also ‘Cinematic Virtual Reality: Immersive Storytelling‘, which features a number of the crew from New Deal Studios. Then at 12:30 there’s ‘Oculus Effect: How VR Will Change TV and Retail‘. Another VR-related session for the day is ‘HoloGramma: How Tech Can Bring Back Our Departed‘ at 15:30. DocLab will also have two sessions on the day including ‘DocLab Presents: New Frontiers for VR and Interactive NonFiction‘ at 14:00 and ‘DocLab Showcase: How to Play with VR, Physical Spaces and Ink‘ at 15:30.

Plenty more sessions can be found on 16th March, including ‘Crashing Oculus Rift and Hacking New VR Experiences‘ at 11:00. Following that there’s ‘Want to Lose Weight? Hang Out with Your Avatar‘ at 12:45. Both ‘Virtual Reality: Video Reinvented‘ and ‘Virtual Reality Journalism‘ take place at 15:30 while ‘Evolving 3D Production Into Immersive Technologies‘ starts at 17:00.

Finally, 17th March boasts two VR sessions, one being ‘Mixed Reality Habitats: The New Wired Frontier‘ at 11:00 and the other being ‘Virtual Reality: Building Healthier Social Brains‘ at 17:00.

That’s a staggering 21 panels, sessions and workshops that are VR-related. There’s more than enough for VR fans to follow along with at SXSW this year, then. VRFocus will continue to bring you the latest updates on the technology.

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